The HC Plumbing Team recently enjoyed a night out!
Outings aren’t rare for our team… we manage a team breakfast, beers & burgers (where the only rule is you can’t talk shop) and generally another outing once a month.
Our most recent team outings have included: a golf day, clay target shooting and on this occasion - dinner at Flipp’d.
For us older members of the team, Flipp’d provided an unexpected blast from the past, with Frogger, Pacman, Daytona Speedway and Air Hockey, for those under 35, it was an opportunity to introduce them to a whole different decade of fun!
The burgers were amazing and the whole team had a brilliant time.
When our days are generally filled with plenty of work, and we all split off to different job sites, our monthly outings offer us a great opportunity to get to know the different members of the team better and to let our hair down!
We currently have openings for several different positions - if you’d love to work with us pop over to our
‘Work with us’ page to see what’s available!